What are the different types of Speech-in-Noise (SiN) test?
Many different tests and tools exist to analyse and assess SiN ability, such as Hearing-in-Noise Test (HINT), Quick-Speech-in-Noise (QuickSiN), Words-in-Noise (WiN), the Triple Digit Test (TDT) and the Coordinate Response Measure (CRM).
The CRM test has been chosen to assess AFFD for the Police and other command-and-control type organisations because of its clear similarities to real world environments (high face validity), clear focus on auditory skills and ability to differentiate clearly between hearing abilities.
How does a FHAS speech-in-noise test work?
The FHAS establishes the quietest level the subject can correctly hear a spoken command within background sounds reflective of real-life situations. This is done separately for each ear.
Subjects are tested in two simulated listening scenarios through standard audiometric headphones, with responses entered through a touch screen device.
One scenario simulates natural listening with background talking. The other simulates listening through a radio communication system with the sound of an engine running in the background.
What is Quick-Speech-in-Noise (QuickSiN)?
Quick-Speech-in-Noise (QuickSiN) is a Speech-in-Noise test that quickly and easily measures the ability to hear in noise. Speech understanding in noise cannot be reliably predicted from the pure tone audiogram or other standard audiometric tests.